12th house

Horoscope 12th house


The Expenses & Moksh

Horoscope 12th houseThe 12th house reveals feet, toes, left eye, genitals, mental trouble, fears, imprisonment, liberation, discharge of debts, enemies, loss of wealth, Expenditure, extravagance, unforeseen troubles, sorrow, misfortune, punishments, asylums, monasteries, confinement, bad deals, secret enemy,travel abroad, exile, extradition, sexual pleasures, ancestral propertry, expenidure and loss of wife.It refers to secluded service, retirement, Escape, secrifice and the unconsciousness, emotional, intuite, psychinc, secrificial aspects, serious sickness, mystical spirituality, Spiritual spirituals practises, emancipation, institutinalised religion.


Saturn (Sorrow) Mars (Confinement) Venus (Meterial desires) Ketu (Mokha) Rahu (Foreign travel)


Guests, Secret enemies, criminals, smugglers.

Body Parts

Feet, left eye.


Bed, Jail, Hospital, Foreign land, Inauspicious house.

Mental Status

Disturbed sleep, fearns from foes, hated by Public Break down of marriage, anger, mental imbalance.

Physical Status

Imprisonment, sex life, physical ailments loss of wife/husband.

Virtues Faculties

Obstinacy, cleverness, ascetic life, seclusion, fear, cunning, adultery, black mailing, secret plans enemy, malice, intrigue, treachery.


Elephants, horses, cattle, beasts.


Foreign languages, occult science, foreign trade.


Marine trade, export, import, anti social activities.

Bhavat Bhavam

Relationship with respect to other houses, being.

2nd House from 11th House

Invitation for good food from friends, saying from income.

3rd House From 10th House

Short journeys/efforts related to career.

4th House From 9th House

Grand mother, ancestral land.

5th House From 8th House

Insurance investments for progeny.

6th House From 7th House

Ailments disputes & problems of spouse.

7th House From 6th House

Disputes with servants, tenants repayment of debts.

8th House From 5th House

Death or kidnapping of children.

9th House From 4th House

Family’ long/ religious journeys, religious activites of family.

10th House From 3rd House

Career or profession of Brother.

11th House From 2nd House

Gains from family business friends of relatives.

12th House From 1st House

Moksha, Relief from debts, loss of authority losses-physical, financial and emotional.

Twelfth Lord in various houses

Twelth house is a divider or a subtractor.

First House

Inclined to be spend-treft, weal bodied, poor, stupid, resident in a foreign country, good in looks, unmarried or impotent, suffers from Kapha

related illness.

Second house

Religiously inclined, sweet tongued, spends on good deeds, comfortable, fear from theives, fire and the king.

Third House

Bereft of brothers or lives away from them, looking after himself alone, inimical to others, thrifty.

Fourth House

Devoid of lands, home, vehicals or comforts from mother, sickly, opposed by his sons, Miserable.

Fifth House

Spends for the sake of his son, bereft of sons and learning, inclined to go on pilgrimages.

Sixth House

Short tempered, miserable, as inner, hostile to his own people, addicted to women other tah his own, eye disease. Venus as the 12th lord in the

6th house leads to blindness.

Seventh House

Expenditure on wife, bereft of comforts from wife, weak and stupid, wicked, suffers at the hands of his own wife.

Eight House

Sweet tongued, medium life span, blessed with good qualities, acquires wealth.

Ninth House

Selfish, hostile towards friends and preceptors, goes on pilgrimages.

Tenth House

Little comfort from father, loss of money through association with the ruler, averse to other wives, a accumulates wealth for his children.

Eleventh House

Rich, suffers losses even if there are combinations for wealth in the chart, long lived, famous, truthful.

Twelfth House

Spend-thrift, easily angered, sickly, short lived looks after the cattle, well known.