1st House

Horoscope 1st House


(The Self)

Horoscope 1st HouseThe 1st house denotes the affairs concerning body, sin, limbs, hair, appearance, happiness and misery, old age, Knowledge, birthplace, success, fame, reputation, pride, dreams, strength and dignity, longevity, livelihood, honour and self-respect, health and character, temperament, peace of mind, victory over enemies. It reveals his type and his physical characteristics, physical health, resistance to diseases. The initiatory purposefulness of the person can be understood here. Any feature deduced from any other house or planet has also be related to the 1st house.


Sun,(Heath, longevity) Moon (Mind) Mars (Skull)


Self, Native’-childhood, Mother’ Father, (Nana ji), Father’s mother( Dadi ji)

Body Parts

Body, Head, Body-structure, Skull, Face Complexion, personality, Hair


Birth Place

Mental Status

Happiness, unhappiness, dream, sleep,renouncement, Decency, peace.

Physical Status

Longevity, old age, sound health, efforts.

Virtues Faculties

Knowledge, fame, strength, dignity self respect, honour, wisdom,abilty to work,proficiency, personal charm.




Cattle, animal husbandry, living beings.


Management , Personal management, Public admn, Sports.


Players, Racer, athlete, Wrestler, Management , Trouble shooters.

Bhavat Bhavam

Relation with respect to other houses, being.

2nd House from 12th House

Wealth from Hospital, Foreign, Jails, Foreign Friends and Relatives.

3rd House From 11th House

Short Journeys, Co-borns, Courage of Friends and Elder Brother.

4th House From 10th House

Achievement in proffession working environment, type of office.

5th House From 9th House

Father’s speculative foutunes, Father’s education, Father’s love relation and intellectuals.

6th House From 8th House

Illness court cases of spouse’s family or relatives.

7th House From 7th House

Health, appearance of spouse and associations.

8th House From 6th House

Obstacles to enemies, losses of enemies.

9th House From 5th House

Long journeys and fortune of children, gurukul, travels for studies.

10th House From 4th House

Reputation of Mother, Working style of Mother, Family, Home.

11th House From 3th House

Gains accuring to younger Brothers & Sisters, Result of Physical efforts.

12th House From 2th House

Expenses of Family and on food.

Lagna Lord in various houses

The lord of the lagna, no matter whether a benefic or malefic by nature, promotes the promise of the house it occupies.

First House

South health, long-lived, valourous, thoughtful, very fickle, having two wives, adulterous,owns and benefits from landed property.

Second House

Learned prosperous, religiously inclined, longlived, sober, self-respecting, having several wives, blessed with many virtues, earns from land and horses.

Third House

Very courageous, like a lion, prosperous, wise, self-respecting, having two wives, blessed with brothers and relatives.

Fourth House

Derives comforts from mother, having several brothers, sensuous, virtuous, good in looks, long-lived, devoted to mother & father and small appetite.

Fifth House

Easily angered, proud, honoured by the ruler, ordinary comfort from children, his first born doesn’t survive, long lived, given to virtuous deeds.

Sixth House

Good health, destroys his opponents, frugal and rich, earns from lands. If affited, there occurs poor health and troubles from enemies.

Seventh House

Brilliant good-looking and good-natured wife. If the lagna lord is malefic by nature: bereft of wife, detached, poor or making, wandering in forign lands.

Eight House

Long-lived, accmulates wealth, Ill-health, adulterous, a gambler, easily angered, good for spiritual pursuits. If the 8th lord is amalefic by nature, he suffers from eye disease and if benefic then good looking.

Ninth House

Fortunate, learned, beloved of all, worships Lord Vishnu, benevolent talker, endowed with wife, sons and wealth, very famous.

Tenth House

Leaned, honoured by the ruler, all comforts from father, attains fame and wealth through his own prowess.

Eleventh House

Manifold benefits, good qualities, multiple wives, famous, has long-lived sons, live in comfort.

Twelfth House

Bereft of bodily comforts, engaged in unworthy pursuits, lives in a foreign land. If there is no benefic association or aspect on the 12th house: furtile expenditure, easily angered. Benefic aspect/association reduces affiction.