3rd House

Horoscope 3rd-house


The Courage & Coborn

Horoscope 3rd-houseThe 3rd house refers to brothers and sisters, courage, heroism, physical and moral courage, risk taking, right ear, legs, confusionof mind, fitness, paradise, pleasures, relations, friends,wanderings, throat,chest nerves system, bones, neck, property, ornaments, learing, pastimes, bodily growth,short journeys,servants, religion, neighbours and writings. It is the house of short communications, mental interests, nearest relations, younger brother and sister, mediators, brothers and neighbours. Communication here covers speeches, letters, telephones, lecturing, teaching, learning, signaling,reporting,story writing, accounting, mathematics, library,information of al types, news and longevity as it is 8th from 8th house.


Mars (Brothers, Courage, Violence) Mercury (Communications, neighbours)


Younger brothers, sister, father-in-law.

Body Parts

Ears, arms, hands, nervous system, mind, shoulders, coller bone, growth of body.


Land or Road, heaven, library,enviorment surroundings.

Mental Status

Mental instabilty, religious duties.

Physical Status

Fitness, taking clean food, valour, physical growth, personal strength.

Virtues Faculties

Courage, valour, good qualities educations, hobbies.


Ornaments, ornaments of ears.


Crops, roots, bulbs, fruits, grains.


Soldier, servants.


Sports, physics, Military Science, Paintings, Medicine.


Painters, Writers, muderers, Soldiers, All work by hand.

Bhavat Bhavam

Relationship with respect to other Houses, being.

2nd House from 2nd House

Wealth of family, food habits of family and size of family.

3rd House From 1st House

Own efforts, courage & sprit.

4th House From 12th House

Influence of others on Residence/mother/family, Residence of foreign friends & relatives.

5th House From 11th House

Children of friends and elder Brother & Sister, easy-income & enjoyments.

6th House From 10th House

Litigation in own career, profession,problems, Disputers & Competition in proffessional life.

7th House From 9th House

Fathers trade associates, Wife of Guru, Teachers.

8th House From 8th House

Secrets of life, losses, Ofsecret enemies.

9th House From 7th House

Religiousness and long journey’s of luck of spouse.

10th House From 6th House

Career and occupation of enemies.

11th House From 5th House

Gains of children , gains through intellectual.

12th House From 4th House

Hospitallization of mother, losses in the family , family expenses.

Third Lord in various houses

The third lord indicates activity.

First House

Man of courage and self-efforts,wealthy, valourous, wise but illterate, inclined to adultery, a forger.

Second House

Covets other wife and wealth, without valour, obese, disinterested in commencing a venture, devoid of

comforts, short-lived, opposed by his own people.

Third House

Healthy, valourus, comforts from brothers, blessed with sons, wealth and comforts, helpful family and friends

devoted to his preceptors and gods.

Fourth House

Enjoys comforts, wealthy, wise opposed to his mother, has a cruel Wife.

Fifth House

Virtuous, blessed with sons, long-lived, ever engaged in helping others. If malefic conjoin or aspect it, the wife is cruel.

Sixth House

Enmity with brothers, very rich, little comfort from maternal uncle, desires his maternal aunt, eye disease, sickly.

Seventh House

Troubled in chilhood, comfortable later, follower of a king, good natured wiife.

Eight House

Theif, servile, capital punishment from th ruler, adverse for siblings.

Ninth House

Acuires fortune through women, no comfort from father, receivers help from his children, learned.

Tenth House

Earns wealth through his own effects, varied comforts, looks after a wicked women, honoured by the ruler.

Eleventh House

Foolish, weak, sicky, servile, courageous, ears wealth through is own efforts, indulges in physical pleasures.

Twelfth House

Wastes money in wicked pursuits, father is curel, becomes fortunate through women, opposed to his relatives and friends, wanders in foreign countries.