6th house

Horoscope 6th house


(The Enemies & Disease)

Horoscope 6th houseThe 6th house reveals enemies debts, disease, obstacles, struggle, maternal uncle, step mother, arms and weapons, epidemices, competion, poision, public health, phegm, swellings, cruel actions, insanity, boils, miserliness, weariness, reproaches, consumpsion, heat, wounds, worries and anguish, fear of calamities, vices, sin humilitatons, eye trouble, alms, untimely food, troubles, venereal diseases, dysentery, threft, prison and misunderstanding. This is the house of service or work and of health. This is connected with health and hygiene with team-spirit and with the sense of organisation. The work reffered to here is organisational and joint work and hence, it becomes an important house in the charts of politicians, statesmen, reformers, and religious men.


Mars (Enemies & litigation) Saturn (illness, sorrow & debts)


Maternal uncle, cousins & servants.

Body Parts

Abdomen, stomach, big intensive, pancreases, uninary tract & waist.


Prison & Court Room.

Mental Status

Madness. Miserliness, mental agony or worry hated by many insanity, wearisomeness & mental torture.

Virtues Faculties

Miser, forgetful, dejected mind, cruel deeds.


Boiled Rice, herbs, gains.


Animals, pets, domestic creatures, quadrupeds, donkey, camel.


Chemistry, Biology, Law, Medical Sciences.


Doctors, Compounders, Advocates, judges.

Bhavat Bhavam

Relationship with respect to other houses being.

2nd House from 5th House

Family, wealth of children’s, Beauty of Beloved one.

3rd House From 4th House

Courage and efficiency of Mother.

4th House From 3th House

House, Cars and happiness of younger Brother’s / Sister’s.

5th House From 2nd House

Luck triugh singing, speech, family trade, family’s education.

6th House From 1st House

Own diseases, litigations, problems and competitions.

7th House From 12th House

Wife/Partners of enemies.

8th House From 11th House

Legacies of friends, losses of elder Brother/Sisters.

9th House From 10th House

Deputations, Official journeys, transfer & luck of career.

10th House From 9th House

Father’ profession, career.

11th House From 8th House

Secret gains, gains of fathers elder brother or sisters.

12th House From 7th House

Hospitalization, enemies and affairs of spouse/partners.

Sixth Lord in various houses

Lord of the sixth house signifies struggle and hostility.

First House

Ill-health, proud, renowed, wealty by his own efforts, virtuous, courageous, opposed to his own relatives and siblings, overcomes his enemies, reliable, good health

if under benefic influences.

Second House

Renowed in his family, courageous, an orator, lives in a foreign land, duty bound, ailing, earns and accumulates wealth.

Third House

Hostile to his brothers, easily angered, deviod of personal effort, suffers in battle, wicked servants.

Fourth House

No comforts from mother, throughtful, hostile to others, and fickle, still rich, matual hostility towards father, ailing father.

Fifth House

Inconstant friends and wealth, hostile to his progeny, selfish, kind and happy, suffers at the hands of his children.

Sixth House

Hostile to his own fellowmen, friendly to outsiders, ordinary wealth, good health.

Seventh House

Beneft of pleasures from wife, blessed with wealth and virtues, courageous, hostile and short-tempered wife, inescapable of bearing his progeny.

Eight House

Ailling hostile to the virtuous, ever eager to possess the wealth and woman of the others, unclean.

Note: Cause of dealth depending upon the nature of 6th lord in the 8th house:

Saturn as 6th lord in 8th house: Abdominal ailments.

Mars as 6th lord in 8th house: snake bite.

Mercury as 6th house in 8th house: Poisions and Septicemia.

Moon as 6th lord in 8th house: Hypothermia, watery diseases.

Sun as 6th lord in 8th house : lion (Carnivorous animals).

Jupiter as 6th lord in 8th house : distorted wisdom (mental illness).

Venus as 6th lord in 8th house : Eye diseases.

Ninth House

Deals in wood, fluctuating inome, a non-believer in scriptures, opposes to his brothers, lame.

Tenth House

Well known in his family, ortor, not devoted to his father , opposed to his mother, lives in comfort in a foregn land.

Eleventh House

Courageous, prond, virtuous, gains from his opponents, dies at the hands of his enemies, suffers threfts, benefits from quadrupeds.

Twelfth House

Hostile to the learned, wastes money in wicked pursuits, killer of living beings, loses money through quadrupeds, a wanderer, a fatalist.

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