Lal kitab Rahu Effects And Remedies

Lal kitab Rahu Effects And Remedies

Rahu is the head of a serpent. Rahu is an unobservable planet. Rahu is not considered as a physical planet like other planets. Pucca Ghar of Rahu is 12th house. Rahu provides both beneficial and harmful effects to the native. Effects of Rahu depend on the house of Rahu in horoscope.

There are many auspicious and inauspicious effects of Rahu for every House. Free and authentic lal kitab rahu remedies for each house are as below:

Rahu in First House:

Effects: Native will earn more and more after spending more. There may be problems in government services. Problems will be there for maternal uncle and brother. Faith for religion will be there for religion in the heart of native. Some problem in service will be found because of Rahu. No promotion will be there and native will be transferred again and again.


  1. Native should not wear Blue clothes.
  2. Offer a Coconut in the flowing water.
  3. Carry Silver ornament in neck.
  4. Do not accept items of electronic in the marriage.

Rahu in second House:

Effects: Native will always enjoy the powers like a King. He will be a well known personality. Bad effect of Rahu in native may lead him to go to jail and he may face theft incidents.


  1. Native should keep a ball made of silver in pocket.
  2. Always keep good relations with mother.
  3. Wear metals that are related to the powers of Jupiter that is Gold.

Rahu in Third House:

Effects: Native will have no fear about nature and he will be always alert and vigilant. There will be some downfalls in the life of native. Native will face bad experiences of lending money to brother or relatives.


  1. One should keep silver in pocket.
  2. Stay away from the things of Ivory.

Rahu in Fourth House:

Effects: Native will live his life in his own way. He may be financially strong. Marriage will be like good luck in his life. He may get money from source of in-laws. Rahu will never provide bad results unless anything bad for Rahu will be done by himself.


  1. Carry silver on body.
  2. Offering almond in flowing water may be beneficial.

Rahu in Fifth House:

Effects: Rahu in this house helps the native in all the fields. Native may face some problems related to education, children and mental issues.


  1. Placing elephant made of silver is good for native.
  2. He should marry his wife two times.
  3. Stay away from non-vegetarian, whisky and adult deeds.

Rahu in sixth House:

Effects: Native spends the money for pumping and showoff for useless things can be done. If a quarrel rise among brothers and sisters and he will surely face a downfall in life.


  1. Native should keep a black dog as a pet.
  2. Always carry a black glass in pocket.

Rahu in seventh House:

Effects: Rahu in this house helps to get benefits in government services. Native will never face a bad situation and never be in the situation of taking help from others. Native should marry after the age of 21. Some bad situations can destroy his business.


  1. Avoid wearing blue colored clothes.
  2. Offer 6 coconuts in the flowing water or river.

Rahu in Eighth House:

Effects: Native will face ups and downs in every gap of 4 years. One who ears from the illegal or unfair sources then he may lose all the money even his own money also.


  1. Native should keep a piece of square in shape in his pocket for the period of 40 days.
  2. Stays away from working in the department of electrify and power plants.

Rahu in Ninth House:

Effects: A big chances of native to be dishonest and this will lead to downfall. He may be a psychologist. Son may create many problems for him.


  1. Native should not keep a dog as pet.
  2. He should feed dog whenever he faces any problem.
  3. Put tilak of Saffron on forehead.

Rahu in Tenth House:

Effects: Rahu in this house make native rich, famous, brave, successful businessman and a person with long life. There may be chances of bad health effects of mother that are related to eyes specially.


  1. Distribution of sweets and red colored clothes should be done by native.
  2. Feeding blind people is beneficial.

Rahu in Eleventh House:

Effects: One should live with father for the good health of father. Living with him may be helpful in making wealth and happiness of family. After death of father, son should put golden or yellow colored thread. There may be suffering from diseases related to ear, legs and back bones.


  1. Donation should be done at temple.
  2. Carry iron.
  3. Drink water from Silver glass.

Rahu in Twelfth House:

Effects: In-laws of the native will be financially strong and he may enjoy comforts in night. Native will never be rewarded for the hard work and honesty.


  1. Taking meal in the kitchen area is beneficial.
  2. Put Saunf under the pillow while you sleep.