This page contains a collection of auspicious dates for marriage ceremonies. According to astrologers, a marriage ceremony should be held during an auspicious muhurat for a better life. The chart below lists the auspicious days for marriage ceremonies in September 2030.
Date | Day | Time From | To | % | Tithi | Rasi | Nak | Yoga | Karan | Sun Sign | Mon Hse | |
September,2030 | ||||||||||||
01-09-2030 | Sunday | 23:08 | 24:44:00 | 88% | S 5 | Libra | Chitra | Shukla | Bava | Leo | 6 | 8 |
24:44:00 | 26:15:00 | 90% | S 5 | Libra | Chitra | Shukla | Bava | Leo | 5 | 8 | ||
27:03:00 | 29:21:00 | 77% | S 5 | Libra | Chitra | Brahma | Bava | Leo | 4 | 8 | ||
02-09-2030 | Monday | 21:08 | 21:13 | 78% | S 6 | Libra | Svati | Brahma | Kaulava | Leo | 8 | 10 |
21:13 | 22:48 | 86% | S 6 | Libra | Svati | Brahma | Kaulava | Leo | 7 | 8 | ||
22:48 | 23:31 | 86% | S 6 | Libra | Svati | Brahma | Kaulava | Leo | 6 | 8 | ||
24:40:00 | 26:59:00 | 82% | S 6 | Libra | Svati | Endra | Kaulava | Leo | 5 | 8 | ||
26:59:00 | 28:05:00 | 70% | S 6 | Libra | Svati | Endra | Kaulava | Leo | 4 | 8 | ||
05-09-2030 | Thursday | 24:55:00 | 25:34:00 | 87% | S 9 | Sagittarius | Moola | Priti | Balava | Leo | 7 | 8 |
07-09-2030 | Saturday | 21:36 | 21:48 | 82% | S 11 | Sagittarius | U Sadha | Sobhagya | Vanij | Leo | 9 | 8 |
Shubh Muhurat for Come To A Compromise for september 2030 Ends Here.