What is Mangal Dosha or Manglik Dosha ?
Manglik or Mangal Dosha or Kuja dosha happens when Mars is in the 1st, 2nd , 4th , 8th or 12th house in an individual’s horoscope. The calculation of the presence of Mangal is done using the Lagna from the Moon sign or from where Venus transits. The effect of the Mangalik is severe when the Mars gets placed in the 7th or 8th house. It is believed that people could have Kujadosha due to their previous birth Karmas. The various other activities during the current life can also cause Kujadosha. These activities are doing injustice to the parents, showing enmity with the siblings, mishandling of land properties, disrespecting Mother Earth etc.
What are the effects of mangal or Manglik Dosham ?
The various effects of Mars affliction are as follows- Appropriate lover or partner is not found; separation soon after the marriage, the spouse and the individual live in different cities, frequent fights or arguments between the partner, sick most of the time, females have menstrual problems, bad temperament, cannot get along with the relative, hard time in life in general.
What are the Best effective remedies for Mangal or Manglik Doshas ?
People could observe pradoshams that comes twice in a month and get the good affects thus reducing the influence of Mangal. According to the Vedic scriptures, there are remedies for the Kujadosha. The individuals must participate in the Mars and Muruga fire rituals. 5 fire rituals will be performed for the planet Mars that controls the relationships and another 5 fire rituals for Muruga who is the overlord of planet Mars. When Mars is in Aries, the fiery Mars is cooled thus the relationships become peaceful and the partners respect each other.
Is there any Gemstone that helps in it ?
Pearl depicts the qualities of the Moon. The emotional balance and sensitivity of an individual are the features that are reflected due to moon’s position in anybody’s birth chart. Pearl is helpful in improving the self worth, success and glory of life. It is helpful in keeping an angry person calm. Red Coral has got the blessings of planet Mars. This is the gem that offers a person with courage, success and helps in the formation of strong emotional foundation. Red Coral along with Pearl is helpful in balancing out male and female energies and can work in harmony to make the relationship of the wife and husband very understanding and sweet.