Christian Festivals 2024

Christian Festivals 2024

Here you can find the christian festivals and religious days. This page provides Christian holiday calendar for 2024. All christian festivals are celebrated according to Christian calendar. Some main festival celebrated on the same date every year 2024.

Christian Festivals 2024

Date Name


6/1/2024 Epiphany
28/01/2024 Septuagesimo Sunday


11/2/2024 Quinquagesima Sunday
14/02/2024 Ash Wednesday


24/03/2024 Palm Sunday
29/03/2024 Good Friday
30/03/2024 Easter (Holy) Saturday
31/03/2024 Easter Sunday


7/4/2024 Low Sunday


5/5/2024 Rogation Sunday
9/5/2024 Holy Thursday
19/05/2024 Whit Sunday
26/05/2024 Trinity Sunday
30/05/2024 Corpus Christi (Thursday)


25/12/2024 Christmasday

Free and Best Christian Festivals for Year 2024 Ends Here.

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