Leo Monthly Horoscope For September 2017

Leo Monthly Horoscope For September 2017

“Free Leo Monthly Horoscope For September 2017″

Leo Health Horoscope

This month the Sun will impart extraordinary vitality and strength to the constitution which should keep you free from affliction. There are grounds to be careful about recuperating fast, even if some minor affliction occurs. You also have a tendency which makes you prone to sudden sickness of the acute variety though of short duration, like fever and inflammatory conditions.

This month, fortunately you would be spared any suffering owing to this prediction. Still, a little caution in a general sort of way would always be helpful. A tonic for the head is also recommended again as a step to strengthen a possible weakness only, a long-time curative measure.

Leo Finance Forecast

Nothing very favourable for your financial affairs in the augury, from the stars this month. You would have a lot of difficulty in realizing expected profits. Some hurdle or the other would prevent this. Even small gains would be difficult to come by. Gains from any litigation or disputes would also not be forthcoming.

This would also apply to dealings with government bodies or departments. Postpone any such proposals for a more propitious period. There would be some of you, given to hobnobbing, with crooks, and also gaining substantially from such association. You all would not stand to gain anything, and may even suffer losses. Be patient and keep a low financial profile during this period.

Leo Career and Profession Predictions

The ensuring period is anything but propitious for your professional affairs, and you would have to compensate by making much greater effort and exercising care in your actions. Do not get involved in politics of any sort at your place of work, whether job or business. Attempts might be made to involve you, however, indirectly it may be, in such affairs. You must firmly desist from any participation.

There is the further likelihood of conflict with bosses or people high-up. This could again be averted by anticipating the turn of events and taking proper preventive action. You must also take greater interest in your work and try to derive higher satisfaction from the same.

Leo Education Horoscope

This will be a month during which those in the process of acquiring education or skills will have to put in more than the usual effort. Those in technical education may fare satisfactorily in so far as working skills with their hands are concerned. But they will have to work much harder of their textbooks. This also applies to medical students.

There is also the distinct possibility that most of you would tend to be pointlessly self-assertive and in the process not have an absorbent state of mind, so essential in acquiring learning. As far as possible, curb such tendencies, and concentrate on picking up learning and skills.

Leo Travel Forecast

Not a month during which you can expect the usual sort of reward from travel since the augury from the stars is none too favourable on this score. It would be necessary for you to undertake a certain amount of travel for business or official travel for business or official purposes.

But these efforts would simply not bring the expected profits, Not even sojourns undertaken towards the east, which under the circumstances would be the most favourable direction, would rectify the negative balance. Obviously those whose jobs or business demands a good deal of travel would have the most painful time. The negative stellar influences would also adversely effect any foreign trip undertaken during this period.

Leo Family Prospects

You may face a lot of difficulties in ensuring the welfare of your family this month, because of an unfavourable combination of stars. There is a distant possibility that some of you would develop serious differences with your father, leading to an unpleasant situation. The need of the hour would be to steer a course of action that would keep you away from all types of confrontation with your elders.

There would be further problems in store for you relating to expenses. These may mount uncontrollably, even to the extent of putting your family under debts. Therefore, carefully plan your expenses well in advance so that you are not caught on the wrong foot.

Leo Children Predictions

A fairly beneficial month for your children since the combination of stars facing you is given to trouble on this score. Your children would tend to be more obedient. This applies even to those who are normally prone to disregarding instructions.

Performance at studies and other extra curricular activities can be expected to remain above normal though you might have to step in and now then to help them decide on certain issues. Your children would tend to perform better at individual sports rather than in studies. This would be true for all their activities.

Free Leo Monthly Horoscope Astrology for September 2017 Ends Here.