What is Triangle ?

What is Triangle

The Kama Kala is represented by a triangle: one dot above, two dots below.

What is Triangle ?

The top dot stands for Kama and the two dots for Ka and La or emotion and absorption which are joined by a line i.e. the fundamental base. The line which joins the top dot stands for emanation and the line which descends down to the other dot stands for withdrawal. It represents a unity of desire (point), the sound (nada) and the source (bija). The upright triangle represents the male principle.The Kama Kala is represented by a triangle: one dot above, two dots below. The top dot stands for Kama and the two dots for Ka and La or emotion and absorption which are joined by a line i.e. the fundamental base. The line which joins the top dot stands for emanation and the line which descends down to the other dot stands for withdrawal. It represents a unity of desire (point), the sound (nada) and the source (bija). The upright triangle represents the male principle.