Indian Girl Names Starting With O

Girl’s name starting with O


This page has collection of so many baby girls name beginning with alphabet O. The symbol name beginning with alphabet O is chariot, banyan tree or temple. This alphabet is protected by Brahma (the creator or Prajapati). Vrishabha (Taurus) is the rashi denoted by Bull in Indian zodiac. Ruling planet of letter O is Venus and tattva is prithivi or earth.

Baby Girls Names Beginning With Alphabet O

Girl’s name Meaning लड़कियों के नाम अर्थ
Ojal Vision ओजल दृष्टि
Ojasvi Brave, Shining, Awesome ओजस्वी साहसी चमतकार
Omala Earth ओमला निर्मात्री पृथ्वी
Ojsavini Powerful ओजस्विनी कांतिमयी
Ojita Tejaswini ओजिता तेजस्विनी
Omina Female ओमना स्त्री
Omaja Result Of Spiritual Unity ओमजा ब्राह्याण्ड से उत्पन्न
Omala Earth ओमला निर्मात्री पृथ्वी
Om Prabha Essence Of Life, Light ओम प्रभा ॐ की प्रभा
Omisha Goddess Of Birth, Life And Death ओमीशा जन्म जीवन व मृत्यु की देवी
Ojsivata Splendour ओजस्विता तेजस्विता कान्ति
Omisha Goddess Of Birth, Life And Death ओमीशा जीवन व मृत्यु की देवी
Ojasivata Splendour ओजस्विता तेजस्विता कान्ति


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