Taurus Monthly Horoscope For April 2017

Taurus Monthly Horoscope For April 2017

“Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope For April 2017″

Taurus Health Horoscope

During this month, a favourable set of circumstances would ensure a spell of good health for you. In fact, the sun will impart a good deal of strength and vitality to you, which would make for a sound constitution. Despite all this, there is no reason to be totally complacent.

There is reason for you to treat even a minor affliction expeditiously, since recuperation is likely to be a slow process. And through the stars are quite favourably disposed towards your health affairs, any ailment contracted on an off chance should not be allowed to deteriorate. If you take this precaution, there is really nothing to worry about.

Taurus Finance Forecast

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury for your financial prospects this month. There is a distinct possibility that any dispute or litigation that you might be involved in would be decided against you. Arrange matter in such a way that any decision on such matters is deferred to a latter period.

Further, some of you would be influenced by a mean streak which would lead you to severely exploit your workers, subordinates, or any people below you in the social status. This would be met with stiff resistance, and would create an extremely unpleasant situation for you. Curb such tendencies with a firm hand. Most of you would tend to work very hard, and struggle a great deal to realize anticipated objectives. But, in this effort of yours, you would not achieve much success. Maintain a low profile till the adverse spell is over.

Taurus Career and Profession Predictions

Careerwise there is little percentage for you in the coming month. Conflicts with your superiors could seriously spoil your prospects. It is, therefore, very important that you apply your mind to averting such contingencies. Try and foresee situations that would turn unpleasant and work your way around these.

Contacts also may not be very useful, and as such you should rely on your own skill and effort. Travel is indicated, but would fail to bring in the expected gains. There is further ground to wary of any politicking at your place of work. Refuse to get involved in such activity, since it can only be to your disadvantage.

Taurus Education Horoscope

This month there would be quite a few impediments in the pursuits of your educational endeavours, since the stars are not favourable inclined. Most of you would be in a self-assertive mood and in such a fame of mind have difficulty in picking up details and technical skills.

Those sitting for competitive exams should go in for extra coaching, since this would be necessary for success. The artistically inclined would also have to put in a lot of extra effort to get to their objectives. This they must do with guts and determination. Technical students would also have to face a more or less similar situation.

Taurus Travel Forecast

A month during which you would derive very little profit from your journeys undertaken for business purposes or in connection with your job. Most of the travel would be by rail or by road with a fair percentage by air. You would travel alone and primarily for work.

The most favourable direction would be east though during the coming month you may not be able to derive any substantial gains even from sojourns in this direction. Foreign travels would also fail to deliver the goods as it were and you might be actually the worse off in having made such a trip.

Taurus Family Prospects

Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your family welfare is concerned. It is very likely that you all would gain significantly through the service of someone much below you socially. This could well turn out to be the most important gain of the month. The person concerned would be your servant or employee.

Indications are that your family would fare quite well financially. In fact, you can look forward to definite improvement on this score. Children would do well in their studies, and other extra-curricular activities. Overall, a satisfactory month for your family in most ways.

Taurus Children Predictions

Nothing particularly helpful about the augury from the stars this month in so far as your children’s affairs are concerned. There is a distinct possibility of some serious tension between the wards of some of you and the father among the parents. Such tension should be tackled with tact and understanding.

Most of them would also not do too well at their studies. Those studying science, engineering or medicine would face a particularly difficult spell of circumstances. Those sitting for competitive examinations must go in for extra coaching.

Free Taurus Monthly Horoscope Astrology for April 2017 Ends Here.